SCAND 2025 Annual Meeting March 27-28, 2025
Marriott North Charleston
Nourishing the Future
Maximize your investments in South Carolina. The South Carolina Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics is THE professional arm for nutrition and dietetics professionals in the state of South Carolina. With an audience of over 1000 dietitians throughout the state and a steady membership of over 600 nutrition professionals, we look forward to partnering with sponsors and exhibitors in line with our mission to positively impact the health and well-being of South Carolinians through food and nutrition. Please click here to review the Sponsor and Exhibitor Packet Register and pay online for Sponsorships
Registration fees include all activities/breaks/meals for the day registered. Lunch is not included on Thursday. There is a restaurant onsite, HC Provisions. We have organized a local volunteer event at Lowcountry Food Bank in North Charleston, sorting and organizing donated food items, on the morning before the meeting - Thursday, March 27 from 9AM-11AM. More details will be emailed to you if you choose to participate, but you should expect ~8 minute drive to & from the hotel. You may indicate your desire to patriciate in this optional event on the registration form (paper or online). * Subtract $25 for acceptance of submitted abstracts (non-student/non-retiree) (Members must login to receive member pricing) Fees shown online reflect the 3% credit card fee. Full Annual Meeting Registration Online here Thursday Annual Meeting Registration Friday Annual Meeting Registration Download the registration form here to mail in with a check and avoid credit card fees. The Committee anticipates approval for 8.5 CPEUs. Thursday, March 27 9:00 AM: Volunteer Event at Low Country Foodbank (no charge, optional) 11:00 AM: Registration Opens 12:00 PM; Welcome and Opening Remarks 12:15 PM: Fuel for Thought: The Role of Iodine in Early Brain Development, Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, LD 1:15 PM: Healing from Within: The Crucial Role of Nutrition in Wound Recovery, Karen Sudders, MS, RDN, LD 2:30 PM: Rooted in Color: Empowering Dietitians of Tomorrow, Roniece Weaver, MS, RD, LD and June Thompson, MS, RD, LD 3:30 PM: Precision Nutrition - Recent Advances and Controversies in Genetic Testing, Ahmed El-Sohemy, PhD SCAND Social Friday, March 28 8:30 AM: Business Meeting, SCAND Members 9:00 AM From Science to Simple: Making the Science of Nutrition and Well-Being Accessible, Positive, and Practical for Consumers, Susie Kundrat, MS, RDN, LDN 10:00 AM: Navigating AI: The New Frontier in Dietetics, Drew Helmer, MSc, RD, CDN, FAND 11:30 AM: Posters, Exhibits, Lunch 1:00 PM: Nutrition Considerations for Those on GLP1-RA Weight Loss Medications, Mary Finckenor, MA, RDN, CDCES, BC-ADM, CSSD, CCRP 2:00 PM: Awards 2:30 PM: Food is Medicine: A Food First Approach, Olivia Myers, RDN, LD